This Mobile App Guide will enable you to:
Before you begin, you must ensure your account has been registered in the RapidAssist Emergency Command Center.
Contact the RapidAssist administrator in your organization to register you.
The RapidAssist mobile app homepage will show different screens to you depending on the emergency situation.
RapidAssist has two modes:
Emergency Alert Mode
RapidAssist will send you a notification that an emergency is in progress. Press the notification to open the RapidAssist app.
The Emergency Command Center will send RapidAssist a notification when the emergency is over.
The RapidAssist functions in the Emergency Alert Mode are:
Emergency Status Mode
RapidAssist will send you a notification that an emergency is in progress. Press the notification to open the RapidAssist app. Confirm your status by pressing the:
Your response is immediately displayed in the RapidAssist Emergency Command Center and you can change your status at any time during the emergency.
It’s possible that there may be multiple emergencies in progress at the same time. Press the right arrow button on the status button to scroll through each emergency and select your status for that emergency.
The Emergency Command Center will send the RapidAssist app a notification when the emergency is over.
The RapidAssist functions in the Emergency Status Mode are:
Your RapidAssist settings should be set as displayed for the iPhone and Android phones.